吉林物流输送线,吉林物料分拣流水线,吉林快递分拣流水线它在完成工厂、物流快递,包装线的物料搬运,成为物料搬运系统机械化和自动化不可缺少的组成部分。 吉林物流输送线,吉林物料分拣流水线,吉林快递分拣流水线 动力辊道由动力辊、支架、驱动装置和链条组成。无动力辊道由无动力辊、支架组成。动力辊道由驱动装置带动 牵引链条,链条带动各动力辊上的链轮转动,从而由转动的输送工作。无动力辊道由人推拉工件或工件挤压工件,在可自由的辊筒上移动。
The unpowered roller table is composed of unpowered rollers and brackets. The power roller table is driven by a driving device to drive a traction chain, which drives the sprockets on each power roller to rotate, thus allowing the rotating conveyor to work. The unpowered roller table is pushed, pulled, or squeezed by a person, and moves freely on a roller.